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mfradera's picture

"Follow the Yellow Brick Road"

"Looking forward to seeing where we go..."

So am I, seeing as I'm still a bit fuzzy on the destination, but that's kind of why I chose this class. Right now, I'm kind of approaching things the way I learned to understand Physics in Prof. Beckman's Conceptual Physics class a couple of years ago. Some of my friends called it a "fake" physics course, or an "un-science" class, but I quite liked looking at physics as  a way that mamalian bipeds try to make sense of the information coming at them.

Similarlly, I'm fairly comfortable with thinking of science as less abuot truth and more as an indictive process. At least, (to use the language we used on Tuesday), I prefer that story.

I learned a new word the other day that I think describes process and development of science; strabismic. Normally it means cros-eyed, but it can also mean intellectually perverse. I prefer that definition.


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