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eolecki's picture

Futility of Moral Arguments

I think the idea of ex-post-facto explanation is very interesting.  It makes perfect sense that there is just something innate within us that makes us believe certain things are immoral and in order to explain that we come up with reasons why we feel like that.  I think by using our gut reactions to our topics, and then researching we are clearly using this idea to write our final papers.  For a lot of people, no matter how much evidence they have against their gut reaction they won't change how they feel.  To me, this shows that people have feelings about certain issues and just find information to support what they think and disregard information that doesn't support it.  For my topic, genetic testing, my gut reaction was that I supported it, because I think new progressive ideas and scientific advancement is a good thing.  But there are a lot of bad consequences that can come along with it. 


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