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moral judgments "evaluations

moral judgments "evaluations (good versus bad) of the actions or character of a person that are made with respect to a set of virtues held by a culture or subculture to be obligatory." 

moral reasoning "conscious mental activity that consists of transforming given information about people in order to reach a moral judgement"

moral intuition "the sudden appearance in consciousness of a moral judgment, including an affective valence (good-bad, like-dislike), without any conscious awareness of having gone through steps of search, weighing evidence, or inferring a conclusion"


In my opinion these three tie together my (and Malli's) ethical dilemma. We are going to write about medical termination of pregnancies and second trimester abortions. We bring up issues like "who decides when it is okay to abort the pregnancy?" "what makes a child "normal" or "ill"?" So I feel like we all go through those three definitions above when we are confronted with an ethical issue, and Malli and I are trying to go through the moral thought processes to understand more where the line becomes fuzzy for the medical termination of pregnancies and second trimester abortions. 


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