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In thursday's class we argued about reality. What is reality? How can we define it? and is one reality different from another person's reality even if they experienced the same situation or event? These questions become so confusing that after a while i began to wonder if there was even a point to the discussion. If someone witnessed something in the room yet others did not, does that person experience something different to every one else? I believe that people search too deeply for alternate meanings and perceptions and that this world is a lot more simple than people would like it to be. It is a waste of time to discuss how close to reality humans can come because what we experience is reality and is truth. Each person can percieve "it" in a different way, but they are no closer or further from the truth. It becomes to complicated when so many questions are asked. It seems to me that people search for complications and desire them. Can we not except that while i am writing this posting i am looking at this screen watching the little black letters appear as i type? There is no other reality than that- it is what is really happening!


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