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rchauhan's picture

Spivak's essay was somewhat

Spivak's essay was somewhat confusing but one line that struck me was "Rhys suggests that so intimate a thing as personal and human identity might be determined by the politics of imperialism." The thought of government having so much control over its people is scary. This made me think of our discussion about home. Some said that home was a place that they thought somewhat identified them, and home is a personal thing. Putting our discussion of home in the context of the quoted statement adds a new perspective to our discussion. There are some parts of the world that are controlled by government like China or places where there is war or was war. For example, in Persepolis, in Iran there were so many rules created by the government about the people and how they should live their lives. Satrapi thought of her home as her identity, and for a good amount of her life it was controlled by the government.  


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