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adiflesher's picture

Illness as a profound opportunity for spiritual transformation


 Following up on many of the comments made in classand in the forum, I think we should remember that illness can by a profoundopportunity for spiritual transformation. By spiritual transformation, I mean, creating a new story that allows usto interpret our suffering and mortality in a new way. This may come in theform of religion. It may also come in the form a profound change in underlyingstories. 


I know that in my family, my father’s illness wasa reminder of how short and precious life is. It made us all re-think where we live, how often we talk on the phone,what we decide to do with our lives, our relationship with money and so muchmore.




In fact many spiritual traditions have use theencounter with physical or emotional pain as the root for spiritual transformation.See the example below of monks in Thailand:

“When you are a monk in Thailand, it’s almostinevitable that you will get malaria,” he said. “So when you finally get it,you don’t see it as something abnormal, but rather as a normal human experienceand an opportunity for spiritual practice.” 

When skillfully and fearlessly embraced, Chandakosaid, illness offers a rare chance to directly experience the most essentialtruths of nature. While unwelcome and painful, such an experience naturallyimparts an intrinsic wisdom that can replace deep-seated arrogance withhumility, anxiety with equanimity, and narrow self-regard with broad compassion.


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