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Quadra Plexus's picture


I am a scientist, having spent, over 15 years in Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery, most of my work has been centered on CNS and other cognitive/neurolgical disabilities. I have suffered from sever spinal cord disease, dystonia, paraplegia, quadraparetic generalized spasticity, extreme clonus, amongst many other "symptoms"....I have evolved. I lost my legs and my hands, but gained remarkable gifts of insight and perception that seem to somehow nullify the void left by lack of bipedal locomotion and everyday tasks. I am strapped into an electric wheel chair EVERYDAY, but it has not stopped my quest as a student and Practictioner of truth finding through my R&D Science, medicine and the brain research. This chair to me reflects on how some may view such CNS or neurological disabilities. Yes I am trapped in my chair, but my mind is free to continue my work. It's all about perspective.


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