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anonymous's picture


Serendipity is to me an elusive concept - each one of our lives is to a certain extent directed by it; but it is hard to tell how or why. We may have our lives planned to the minutest details, and yet, who's to say that some sort of a 'chance encounter' will not come our ways and mess with our plans completely? However, does that mean that we dont make our own choices, or plan out our life? I dont think so. Serendipity is such that there is always room for it, however, one cannot assume that other external forces whose origin can't be explained will come by every step of our life to guide us. That is foolish.
While serendipity is that extra zing or spice, we must follow a set recipe for the dish to be prepared. (Excuse the food analogy). Yet, one can as well eat the dish without those spices.



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