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Questions for Alex

1.      In Judith Butler’s essay, she expresses some qualms about being able to appropriately represent a trans-subject, particularly in a linguistic sense: “I have been given fragments of the person, linguistic fragments of something called a person, and what might it mean to do justice to someone under these circumstances? Can we?” In the other essays, Kate Borstein and Susan Stryker both explicitly names themselves as a part of the trans community, and speak from a position of “our” oftentimes.  I wonder what you think about this – about the difficulty of ‘doing justice’ to someone who is embodied differently than oneself, whether legally, socially, or (like Eugenides in Middlesex) in a literary sense. Would you object to someone who was not trans writing from the point of view of a trans person? Representing the inner experience of a trans subject?


2.      What would be your ideal admissions policy at Bryn Mawr?



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