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Diane OFee-Powers's picture

Model of Inquiry

Inquiry means to me:

-students and teachers learning together

-inquiry can also be student driven

-inquiry is a more interesting way of learning for the students

- is a way of learning concepts utilizing higher order thinking skill


I do not have a great deal of experience with inquiry because of the Core Curriculum. There are opportunities in labs for inquiry, although we sometimes gear the kids towards the outcomes that we ( or the curriculum) expects. The science core curriculum does offer a few inquiry opportunutues, but it's really up to the teacher to figure out how to implement inquiry based activities while staying in the time line.

After this program, I would expect to use inquiry based education in my classroom throughout the whole lesson, epecially before the lesson as a HOOK to get the students excited! The inquiry could continue through the lesson into the labs or activities, and continue through to the end of the lesson, topic, or unit.


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