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LuisanaT's picture

It's important that we get technical

(To reiterate)

Just for verification purposes, a summary of observations, in a scientific context, does also carries with it a prediction.To look at the example mentioned earlier today again.

The sun comes up everyday.

This summary of observations that IMPLYS that the sun will continue to rise every single day.

A basic summary of observation would simply state

To this present day, the sun has come up everyday.

This summary is non-generative, for it does not motivate further exploration and experimentation for new observations.

The skepticism and curiosity a summary of observation appropriate for science should also invoke is one good thing to take from this redefinition of the process of the Scientific Method. Having the students think about what observations had to have been summarized in order to make such a claim/ story up is a very valuable skill that can only benefit the individual. For it is like what my mother once told me, A prender no pesas, to learn does not weight us down.


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