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A Little Lesson from Bill Nye

As a young girl, I remember having an inate desire to understand the world around me, so I know all too well what greene means when he says "From the time we can walk and talk, we want to know what things are and how they work — we begin life as little scientists." - I still know the words to the theme song of Bill Nye the science guy :-). And, like many students, I can relate to the dryness of school science classes. Sometimes, it seemed as though information was jam-packed into our minds in preperation for some standardized test. Overall, I can say that my public shool science education was not all so terrable, but I do admit that sometimes I found myself wishing we could learn science the way Bill Nye would have it taught - as an intriguing, insightful, not-just-facts sort of way. OK, thats not to say that a high school AP Biology class should realistically model a teaching approach after a children's TV program, but I think that mr Green's concept of teaching break-through research to inspire students is certainly one way in whih science classes could peak students' interest and go beyond just facts and basic concepts in the classroom. This would truely make any physics, chemistry, or biology class all the more intriguing. To expand upon greene's article, I also believe that schools in the US (particularly public ones) should make more of an effort to intertwine the sciences and show how, in the end, the all mesh and create the framework (on the basic level) for higher level science and technology. When we look around us, at all the technological advances we have made in this world, we notice that sometimes many areas of science work together. From the pace-maker in my grandmother's heart to the flatscreen tv in my dormitory living room, science is all around us. I hope that, no matter what my career or future goals in life, an interest in science will never fade and that I will continue to be a student ...and maybe even watch and episode of Bill Nye at least every once in a while


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