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LuisanaT's picture

I concur, I concur

I came to a similar understanding that it has now become a matter of getting the science as story less subjective (as oppose to more objective).

The fact that there is an aspiration to eliminate individual human perspective and therefore influence on/filtration of science discovery and its representation only helps to encourage the need for diversity in group settings. For the different peoples are more likely to carry distinctly contrasting ideals because of their different backgrounds, pre-existing knowledge and experience, all of which is helping to challenge all of it logic and human particularities. (i.e. being racist, sexist, etc.) in current claims. This type of environment promotes the process of narrowing down the science by separating what makes sense in the world that affects us all from what only affects/interest/etc. the individual, coming to a closer approximation of understandings that are less wrong.


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