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nasabere's picture

Excellent Points

Excellent points.

1. A relativistic world would be inconvenient for us, no doubt. We are creatures of order, and hierarchy simplifies things for us. However, I think that it is important that we stay away from words like "acceptable" and "better" as they carry moral implications. Rather, from a purely objective standpoint I believe the idea is simply that all realities are equally “real” (or not real, whichever way you care to look at it) hierarchies and morals aside.

2. I don't know that this discussion necessarily implies that there must be "an ultimate reality against which all other realities are compared." The converse could easily be true. Reality could be infinite. Then again, that's a lot of different possibilities in terms of neural connections. Does that then translate into commonly invoked "there is no truth" argument? No...perhaps "truth" is the very notion that infinite realities exist…but I digress…


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