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mkhilji's picture

I really liked Molly's

I really liked Molly's summary of the different definitions of reality. In our little groups on Tuesday I was having the same discussion about how there is no such things as one optimum type of 'reality'--rather we all experience different realities based on our experiences (inputs) and interaction with others. Just as individuals may have different perceptions and opinions about different issues, we all foster different realities. I would argue that our I-function is the storyteller..which is safe to say as it does not necessarily cover the whole picture. Based on our individual experiences our I-function uses those to conjure an image in our mind (or opinion) about different issues.

For example, an individual who has lived a sheltered life would not be exposed to the realities of issues such as racism. Therefore when this individual may read or hear about the issue of racism, or people's encounters with a 'racist'--this sheltered individual has a myopic vision and therefore may not necessarily believe that such a concept exists in the world.

What scares me most about this issue of the I-function being a storyteller, is once again whether we really are able to override our I-functions and 'edit' the view or story that it transmits. Because if everyone's 'world' is really not the same this can draw broader implications about whether deep down any reconciliation has been achieved in the world.


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