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Anna G.'s picture

the interplay of realities

I like the way you've kind of summed up what we've discussed in class into 3 distinct types of reality. I'd agree with you that these three definitely play a role in determining what we ultimately consider reality in our everyday life. To me, the interesting question left to consider is how the 3 interplay. I’d argue perhaps they aren’t on a continuum, but rather share and overlap, much in the way that a Ven Diagram does. For example, in Jackie's web paper she discussed people who have ringing in their ears that "isn't there." At what point to people with tinnitus decide that their subjective reality is false and assume the collective reality? Is it only after a doctor tells them what is going on and describes to them the objective reality? And to what degree do they believe their reality when they have conflicting ways to assess the situation?


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