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Why I Like Equations

Since there have been some discussion about equations and models during class, I've been thinking about just why it is that I like equations and models so much. I always find it surprising that some people make faces when an equation comes up, because to me, equations seem like the best thing in the world,. They just seem to make everything so much more easier to undertand. I hate it when text books go on and on for pages and then finally give us the equation. I feel like, "Oh, why didn't you just give me the equation in the first place!" It's the same with models. I love seeing things that fit perfectly in models; they appear to be so beautiful. I acutually don't really like the fact that I like equations so much. I wish I was able to be the kind of person that doesn't like equations at all, but in all reality, I find them really useuful. So why is this? One obvious reason (to me) is that they just seem safe. I don't like things that are not predictable, and having an equation that can tell me exacty what the outcome will be is great. And I've been thinking that another major reason might be because I'm just not really fluent in any language, and that during my life I've had to study in languages that I don't really understand too well. So equations seem the clearest to me because I don't have to bother with trying to understand what the words are saying. I don't think that a lot of other people are in the same situation as me in this aspect, but I do think that one reason why people have always created equations and models may be so that people in the world who don't speak the same langague can communicate and learn from their findings in the most fair and efficient way...


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