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Alex Hansen's picture

I was also equally intrigued

I was also equally intrigued by this week's discussion on corollary discharge.  However, I thought about it in a different sense, which still can be applied to these crickets, for it is more of an overall take or question on corollary discharge.  I thought about it more in the terms of evolution and wondering how this nervous system trait came about.  Has is always existed since the beginning of time?  Has corollary discharge evolved over time?  Why has it evolved, that is if it has evolved and did not always occur?  Will the nervous system slowly evolve until corollary discharge is the only manner in which to look at the system, corollary discharge overpowers any other type of signaling?  Is there a connection between the types of animals that exhibit this corollary discharge?  If so what is the similarity, besides the fact that they share this nervous system trait?  They say that nervous systems differ from the others in two ways, one being their degree of centralization, and the other in their size.  Could this eventually become another explantion for the divergence in nervous systems?  Are there any other types of divergences that are to come?

Is corollary discharge evolutionary advantageous?  In that, is corollary discharge something that has evolved due to survival of the fittest, and that it produced the most advantageous results for the animal and thus, corollary discharge came to power.  This is also known as evolution by natural selection - survival arises from what leads to the most reproductive success, and thus, and therefore, whatever is most successful will inturn be passed along to the next generation, ultimately leading to the survival of that successful attribute.  From pyschology I learned about moose and the size of their horns and how their horns evolved by natural selection as the fittest survived and that trait was passed along to their offspring, passed off to the next generation.  I'm sure there are many more examples of this, and maybe the same is happening with the auditory systems in crickets with relation to the corollary system.  Could this be possible at all?


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