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Calderon's picture


When reading the book “Darwin’s Dangerous Idea” By Daniel C. Dennett I don’t believe more the idea of all animals coming from the same ancestors, but I do become more comfortable with the idea that there might be common ancestors for humans.  As Paul was asking the class during the discussion, where language comes from I started thinking why it is that if all of us are humans, and we do have things in common such as eating sleeping and many others why is that we do not share the same language? As most of us would know Roman Languages such as Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese, come from the “Vulgar Latin.”  What I am trying to say is Darwin made sense not only about science but culturally too because this sort of proves that we must of come from the same ancestor and that is something many already know but if we all did come from the same ancestor why are there such different species such as ants? Dogs? I mean it is not clear to me whether he is trying to say if we all as in all animals came from the same ancestor or just humans?


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