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Resources from Vernier for Online Teaching

Sharing from Vernier:

So far, 39 states have announced widespread school cancellations and closures as a result of COVID-19. Consequently, educators and administrators are currently scrambling to find remote learning solutions because they’re having to transition their classes to an online format with no prep time.

To give you the support you need during this precarious time, Vernier has put together some online resources to help engage students with STEM remotely.

Our online resources include free trials to Vernier Video Analysis™ and Pivot Interactives, and over 80 free experiments with sample data covering a large range of subjects. With these tools, you can help your students form a deep understanding of key scientific concepts outside the classroom and laboratory.

Contact us by email at 

Or by phone at 1-888-837-6437 

Vernier Software & Technology released a new Online Resources web-page. The link is right at the top of the Vernier website under "Explore Resources", so it's easy to find.  However, to make it even easier here's the direct link: <>

Here’s the news flash from Vernier :

"To give you the support you need during this precarious time, Vernier has put together some online resources to help engage students with STEM remotely.

Our online resources include free trials to Vernier Video Analysis™ and Pivot Interactives, and over 80 free experiments with sample data covering a large range of subjects. With these tools, you can help your students form a deep understanding of key scientific concepts outside the classroom and laboratory."


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