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         I watched a movie, Frankenstein, in high school.  Reading a book, I was able to fill the gaps from the movie.  First, I did not know Frankenstein Monster was first good-hearted.  I thought the created was cruel in the first place.   Also, I don't think there was a scene in which the monster observes cottagers.  Second, I thought Dr Frankenstein and his cousin were blood-related siblings in a movie.  But in a book, Dr's cousin was an adoptee.

         When the monster tells his story to the creator, Dr. Frankenstein, I was captivated.  I liked how the monster's memories are written in separate " " in a row without any interruption of Dr. Frankenstein's responses or questions.  These continues throughout several chapters.

         The book well conveys the monster's psychological transformation.  There's one paragraph that was striking to me.  It was said by Dr. Frankenstein:

"His words had a strange effect on me.... I compassionated him..., but when i looked upon him..., my feelings were altered to those fo horror and hatred."

          Reading this paragraph, I thought about people with advantages with good looks such as celebrities.  Their fans adore them.  On the other hand, people with physicial disabilities are easily prejudiced by other people.  Though the disabled have no intention to hurt other people, people in general prefer to avoiding sharing something with them.  Sometimes, young children call those, "wicked," etc.  The perception on us by others create our reaction and identities.  Other people's prejudice also creates a culture. 

          I sympathized with Frankenstein, and other people who are second, or third Frankenstein in this society.  When I was a little child, I indicated with my index finger at a dwarf who was in her thirties, i guess.  And I asked my mom why the woman was so short even though she was aged.  My mom blushed with embarrassment when the woman watched us, and hit me in the back.  "Be quiet..!"  She said.  The disabled (in a culture with my reaction and the woman) approached me and my mom and answered my question.  "Child, if you don't eat spinach or any other healthy food, you become like me.  So, eat all sorts of foods not only cookies, ok?"  Of course, the answer was not a maxim of relevance.  She broke her disabling culture by providing a warm-hearted feature of her to me.  My mom often tells this story to me who don't remember the detail.  We both feel grateful and inspiring still now.


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