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After today's class and our

After today's class and our conversations on disability and surgery, I found it ironic yet fitting when my friend showed me the link to a particular article this afternoon. It is an article about a 2 year old girl who is undergoing surgery to remove 4 of her 8 limbs. I will attach the link below.

But this article really got me thinking about our conversation in class today and I was struck by how our conversation about disabilities was completely contained within the western context. Not once did we stop to consider that what western cultures consider a "disability", another culture could consider a blessing. Little two year old Lakshmi is a perfect example. Lakshmi, aptly named after the hindu godess of prosperity, is being worshiped as a godess in her hometown. Yes, she is an oddity, but it is a positive oddity rather than a negative. Similarly, if I am not mistaken, in China being born with a sixth digit (6th finger or toe) is considered a sign of good luck and fortune.
Not all "disabilities" are taken negatively. We need to remember that what one culture consideres a disability, another culture may consider a blessing. We should be aware that our conversations about Feminist Disability Studies may certainly fit into the western context but may not apply to other cultural traditions. 
On top of it all, I cannot help but wonder whether the parent's decision to have their child undergo surgery has more to do with their desire for their daughter to live a "normal" life or the desire of enthusiastic doctors eager for experimental and scientifically renowned surgery. Who, if anybody, pushed the decision to 'normalize' Lakshmi?


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