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Peeing while sleeping

Ok so this has happened to my dad like 3 times. The first time was when he went to the middle of our room next to a dresser and a cupboard and unzipped his pants. I was still awake so I said "dad what are you doin" then he looked at me with this dazed look then zipped up his pants and went back to bed. When I asked him about it he had no memory and he had been drinking that night. The second times was when he spent the night at my momshouse . He had drinken all the times he done this. Anywho so whike I was sleeping I wake up to my door being open and its my dad. I say "hey dad" he doesn't answer then he pulls his you know what out and I yell DAD and then he wakes up and goes OMG I thought I wqs in the bathroom sorry.
The third times was when hegets up goes into the closet and starts peeing I get up and yell DAD WHAT ARE YOU DOING then he looks at me and goes OMG again and then gets towels and cleans it


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