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Stopping Night Drinking

I am a college student and I live in a dorm by myself which makes my experiences very scary ones and I've realized that most of the times that it has happened that I had been pretty drunk before I feel asleep. Both bad instances happened when I was drinking a lot of craft beers but I don't sleep walk on the cheaper ones for some reason.

So last light, like I said, I had gotten pretty drunk at a club off of craft beers and although I can remember every bit of the night until I fell asleep I found myself outside of the residence hall that I live in at 5 AM. I remember falling asleep around 3 AM but do not recall anything at all from walking outside. It was reaaaaally sketchy because I didn't have my ID which I swipe at the door to get in so I had to knock on the door for the receptionist at the front to come to the door. I was able to give her my information and stuff but I felt extremely nervous with it being 5 AM and the fact that I was wearing only flip flops, jeans, and a T-shirt when it was probably 50 degrees outside.

Another instance that happened probably a couple months ago dealt with me being the drunkest I have ever been in my life. I don't recall what I did but I do know that I did it. I woke up the next day and took a shower and stuff in the community bathroom and then came back to my room and grabbed something that was sitting in my disc shaped chair and I noticed it was completely soaked. I got down on my knees and smelt the soaked chair and at first it didn't really have an odor so I thought I might of just poured water or something on it in my sleepwalking but I blotted out the wetness with a towel and it came out yellow so it was definitely urine.

Both of these experiences really sucked and I feel like if something like this happens again then I'm definitely going to stop the heavy drinking which is a benefit all together even though it's fun and stuff. However, I could just heavy drink on game days and stuff just because I wouldn't be going to sleep while I'm drunk which I think is the cause of my sleepwalking.


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