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Any suggestions?

In the last 25 years, I've had 3 alcohol-related sleep-peeing incidents, always when I couldn't get to my usual bathroom either because I was in a strange place or because the bathroom was occupied. Now, if these were chronic and/or utterly random alcohol-related events, then the obvious solution would be not to drink, but it is neither chronic nor random, so giving up alcohol is not really the very first thing I want to try. I've noticed that it happens when
- I've been drinking, and not necessarily even excessively
- I have a full bladder, for example after drinking beer rather than wine
- I'm disoriented when I wake up to go to the bathroom

I'm going to try a few measures like leaving the light on in strange bathrooms, locking the front door of where-ever I'm staying (yup - I'm a wanderer), peeing before going to bed, etc. Any other suggestions? I'm wondering if I shouldn't just leave the bedroom light on as well.

Again, it happens pretty rarely, but is utterly terrifying when it does happen, because on 2 of the 3 times, I've ended up wandering around in strange surroundings in the dark and in my underwear. On top of it all, I'm usually in a half-awake, half-dreaming state, so everything I see is somehow overlaid with whatever it is that I am dreaming, so I'm just aware of my surroundings enough to feel lost and in trouble, but not lucid enough to figure out where I am and how to get back to where I need to be. Put simply, the issue is not quite so much peeing while sleepwalking (although that is incredibly embarrassing) but rather sleepwalking due to needing to pee.


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