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The father of my child does this constantly when he drinks and no matter what I say or how angry I am it continues to happen. How is this not that serious? I don't think you understand how disruptive this is for the people that have to clean up after these drunken piss walks. I've had to explain it to room mates and I've had my personal belongings completely ruined by piss...this includes one of a kind pics of my dead father. Its disgusting and I don't find one bit of it funny. For you to act so nonchalantly about it speaks volumes about your little problem. I am considering leaving this man even though I love him because I absolutely cannot tolerate having to play lookout every time he has a few beers. Do yourself a favor and stop drinking if you have this problem....obviously drinling is not benefitting you in any way. I know its embarassing and shit but seriously you could huurt yourself and others. God forbid I try and wake him up.


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