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Oh my, I just googled the

Oh my, I just googled the same thing so you're not alone!
My boyfriend did it last night, stood up and pee'd on our bed. I slapped him to try to get him to realise what he was doing, but nothing. Finally he walked out of the room so I thought he was going to the bathroom, but no, he stood at the top of the stairs and carried on pee-ing. Then tried to get back into the wet bed as I was taking off the sheets. There was no stopping him. Finally I left him curl up in the pee'd on sheet and left him shivering for the night while I took our spare duvet. A while he got up again and walked into the bathroom. I followed to make sure he was going in the toilet, but he was just standing there, I asked what he was doing and he said "waiting for that guy to finish". (Obviously there was no other guy there). This is the only part of the night that made me laugh. I'm still absolutely livid over everything else and the thought of having a pee smell coming from our bedroom just makes me feel so sick.


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