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Peed on my cable box

So in the past year or so, my drinking had gotten really heavy. I was drinking copious amonts of liquer, beer, any thing that would get me oblitterated. My first sleep peeing events happened in my bed, which was about twice. As time went on, I stopped drinking hard liquer and just stuck with beer. My first notable sleepwalk peeing event was when I woke up in the morning with the head of my bed and my pillow wet. I had passed out in bed with a half-full beer before somI looked for a bottle but never found one. Upon further investigation of my wet bed I discovered that it was urine. Now, two nights ago, I drank two tall cans of steel reserve, my usual for the past few months. Yesterday while my girlfriend was over, I went to turn on my cable box and tv and found that the cable box wouldnt turn on. I started to check all the plugs behind the tv and found that my xbox cable was unplugged but not the cable box. I started moving the cable box to look behind it and found that there was liquid underneath it all over the glass stand that it sits on. I decided to smell the liquid and discovered it was pee! After realizing this I decided that that was the reason my xbox power supply was unplugged. I must have realized what I was doing in my sleep and tried to save it from being ruined. I told my girlfriend and wow, I've never seen her laugh so hard at pee before! She suggested I set up a camera to see what I do in the night lol. Sorry for the lengthy post!


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