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Sleepwalk Pissing

So last night I sleepwalked while drunk. Thats only happened once before (that I know of!) The first time I had got pretty drunk and was sleeping on my friends futon. Apparently I thought it wasnt comfortable enough and jumped into his dad´s king sized bed... while he was in it! To this day his dad makes all these homoerotic jokes about me haha.

But last night it was even worse. I was drinking a lot of rum with some friends. We were at this girl´s apartment and I made out with her, then ended up getting really emotional and crying... that´s all I remember. I woke up the next morning and for some reason my socks were off and wet. I figured that we had spilled a drink or something and put them on and walked home. Until this morning, until my other friend asked me if I remembered what I did. I thought he was asking about me making out with that girl, so with a smirk I´m like, did you see it? He then said he didnt know if it was a dream or not but he saw me in the corner pissing at night. FUCK! The girl hasnt said anything so either she thought it was a drink or is reeeeaally cool. Ive been straight up ashamed all day, but I feel less bad after reading some of these stories.

Btw, its weird that I see a lot of people post that they drank rum too and took off their socks too. WTF? Maybe the socks are a drunken attempt to ¨clean it up¨


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