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inlove with a urinater

I can only justify this by assuming it was him sleep walking. although im certain he was semi-consiouse as he did respond to me as me and in the present time. always when he has been drinking. first time was in our hallway, when asked what he was doing his response was "dont u know your supposed to pee down stream?" the second time he got out of bed, walked around to our bedside table, opened the drawer inches from my face, aimed and urinated in the drawer. the third time, i found him at 3 am sleeping in our sons toddler bed, which he had peed in, of course. although, he considerately took his own pants off. since then, if he has been drinking i dont sleep. he shows no remorse, or shame whatsoever on the subject. i am 25 years old, he is 35. stopping/cutting back on alcohol is not an option for him, the idea shuts him out completely. weve had no other issues regarding the alcohol such as violence or money problems. but this is enough for me. i spend all day changing diapers and wiping my childrens butts, i dont need to spend all night guarding every corner of my home. sleeping on edge listening for the sound of him wandering the halls looking for a place to do his business. i will present him with an ultimatum that invovles choosing between eliminating the alcohol completely, a diaper, a catheder, or the absence of me completely. to whoever says "this isnt seriouse" is in denial. it is seriouse, urin contains contaminants and bacteria that can cause salmonella and other harmfull diseases. i have children. p.s. these ARE just the few times i caught him. i cant imagine how often this happened without me noticing. wich would make more sence out of why the heater in the bathroom smells like piss.


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