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36 years old - This started recently...

Like many, my sleepwalking/peeing is related to drinking. I will drink usually 1-2 times a week, but I tend to overdo it when I do. I'm 37 and this started about a year ago... it's morally devastating to me. While many seem to think it's funny in their own experience I'm terrified.

I've drank my whole life, but not like an alcoholic at all, and I've been wasted MANY times so I'm kind of surprised this has suddenly started! I'm definitely scared of drinking now...

Usually I wake up in the morning with a big damp spot on my carpet, which is obviously urine as it can't be anything else...I had a previous roommate who said he was awoken by the sound of running water in the kitchen but didn't investigate. The next morning he saw a ton of water on the floor and told me he thinks I had pissed on the floor, as he definitely heard me outside in the kitchen at the same time. Obviously I had no recollection.

Months went by, and I drank from time-to-time and nothing. But now I've drank 3 times this month and it's happened EVERY time. I blackout sleepwalk and pee, as I've said mostly on my carpet next to my bed.

I drank last night and was relieved there was no puddle on my carpet this morning. Then I went out to the kitchen and my socks that I wore to bed were on the floor and damp! I was freaked out since my new roommate always has his girlfriend over and they get up real early in the morning for work. They had already left. I panicked all day wondering if they had witnessed anything!!

When I saw him he told me that he thinks we might have a leak in the kitchen as there was water on the floor when he left for the gym this morning, and he asked about my socks. I told him I had drunkenly dropped our Brita water cooler which hold several gallons on the floor and was too drunk to clean it up...he bought it.

I'm not pushing my luck. No more drinking, unless it's 1 or 2 going out with my friends where I'll be eating and not consuming too much. I can't get smashed anymore as the idea of this intruding on the lives of others really frightens me.

There is only one answer - stop drinking. I feel like I've sunk to a low I'll never live down in my own mind...


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