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A real problem. Danger for myself and others.

I have two situations I want to share with you:

I have never been sleepwalking before. Since the first time this happened, I have come up with the explanation that I passed out from drinking while I was fully aware of what I was doing at the moment. Like my brain just shutdown instantly and something took over and kept me running on natural instinct. You all know, the part of the brain that wants food, survival and mating. Don't Laugh.

#1 I came home from a perfect night that I had enjoyed fully with my friend. We had been drinking. I knew I came home, ate something, hang my cloth and put myself to bed. <---- This is my experience of the situation. Nothing unusual.

In the morning, I was woken up by my father knocking on my door. He told me in a friendly mannor I had urinated on there computer. And now it didnt want to start. My reaction was: What?!! You are kidding me now. I didn't belive him, but when I went in to there office-room someone had peed on there computer. And I had absolutely no memory of doing such thing. This scared me deeply, there is no feeling that can scare you more than you losing control of your own self.

#2 I was really sad, took a walked in the night, and had I good cry and was out for 3h sipping vodka from a almost empty bottle. perhaps drank 1-2dl and emptied the bottle. When I came home, I pet my cat for a minute, took 1-2 mouth of whiskey and put myself to bed. The next day I woke up in the drunk-tank at the police station.
I had apparently been drinking alot "more" and became really sad, crying going over to amok aggressive and punched the walls and my brother (who I awaken in the middle of the night, lucky me he is alot bigger than me so he took me down and hold me on the ground) Now I am really scared, I am a danger to others and to myself and I want to know what you can do else than "stop drinking", I mean, I might be stupid saying this, but it doesn't happen that often, and I don't drink more than 1 time a month, maximum. Should I put a lock on the inside of my door and hide the key somewere, were I can't find it.

Last I wanna thank the maker and creator of this homepage of illuminating the case of sleepwalking after drinking. I was almost believing I was going crazy, because I have never heard of someone doing this before.. Thank you for letting me share.


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