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Girl peeing during sleep walking!

Ever since I moved over seas ive been having intense lucid dreams, almost every night. I can control everything I do and know im dreaming. But sleep walking? Never happend before. I woke up and went into my housemates room and she told me everything! And this is what happend,
First I slept for only a hour and talking in my sleep - share a room with a friend. Then I get up mumbling to myself and went into my house mates bedroom. I went straight to her bed and sat on the end of it and I had my head down like I was sleeping. So my friend was startled with ear plugs in and frightned and asked what are you doing? I replied in mumbling and she thought she heard me say something about my stomach. So she tells me to go to the bathroom if im going to puke. Then she starts to hear water like noises and freaks out, 'YOU BETTER NOT BE PUKING ON MY FLOOR!' then she made a closer look to me and it didnt look like I was puking but I had my pants and everything down and sitting on her bed stil, so shes like "WHAT THE FUCK ARE U DOING?!' and I replied in such mono tone voice 'peeing' so she freaks out and asks 'WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!' and I reply again, 'I dont know' And she starts getting paper towl and such to clean and just so mad, and by then i walk over to the bedroom door in the corner and stare. Like I'm posessed, the look on my face and my head slightly down and im looking at her. And then she started to get really creeped out and starting shouting at me to go to bed. So eventually I do and i return to my bedroom and my friend in my room asked 'Whats going on, whats wrong?' and I say 'something'. And go back to sleep - in my bed.
I have no memory of this! And feel pretty embaressed but good to know theirs other people who like to pee during sleepwalking and say weird things! Now lets hope I wont be doing this ever again...honestly im scared to go to bed tonight.


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