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Sleepwalking when I drink

Ok I have a funny one. (He tells the story well and to everyone lol)Me and my boyfriend were staying out of town for work. So we had some beers at the hotel. We went in around 9pm ,ate took a shower laid in bed. Around 11 I got up and rustled around on the other bed. (The whole time he is thinking "what the hell is she doing!" Then I went over to the corner and just stood there. haha Then I took my panties off and threw them above the closet and went into the bathroom. He saw no light come on so he got up and came to check on me, I was standing in the dark behind the door, he asks "what are you doing?" He said the look I had in my eyes he thought I was going to stab So I decided to take ANOTHER shower and crawled back in bed. He said he laid there for hours wondering what the hell just happened. haha And apparently lastnight we had some beers with the neighbors came home went to bed, about an hour later I got up went to his dresser got a pair of his shorts out hung them on the towel rack in the bathroom, used the bathroom and went back to bed??? haha I have no idea....


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