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LuisanaT's picture

Gaps between the clusters

Why are there these "empty spaces" between what we call clusters of clumps? One theory is that the organisms that would fit the criteria have not been discovered and therefore not classified as such. Another theory could be that evolution and time have not introduced the appropriate environment and elements necessary for that type of organism to arise. If the natural changes in the environment do not cause enough of an effect to bring about a new clump of organisms, than the effect it must have on atleast one of the clusters of clumps can cause a new enough change to occur and continue the never-ending evolutionary process.

Now if it is true that there are "gaps" under any scale, does that mean that there are "gaps" even at a small scale in humans? For example, there are million upon millions of different combinatiosn in physical appearance alone. Can there really be a gap within that crumb of a clump of a cluster?

One thing that occurs often in classrooms is that people would (and the professor would do so purposely) ask the wrong kind of question. For eaxmple, when the question of why there is diversity was brought up, it made the rest of the class stray away from the right question, and therfore right answer. Becuse its not a matter of why there is diversity but rather why there isn't homogeneity. The combination of reproduction with variance where there is differential contributuion of genes in the next generation with changes in the environment causes distinctions amongst groups where some will thrive in different ways than others.

But this way is of conducting a class is probably the best way to approach any matter of science because its similar to what happens in a laboratory experiment proving your hypothesis wrong; it forces you to really look at whats in front of you for further evaluation. Way to go all Profs out there.


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