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hannahpayne's picture

In "Flatland" the main

In "Flatland" the main purpose is to try to expand your thinking. We live in a world that we think is the only way we cannot imagine a world that has another dimension. It is always hard to imagine the world as something different from our perception of it, even if it isn't as drastic as a new dimension. Even if someone views a situation in a different way it is sometimes hard to accept because we are so set in our ways. It is difficult to abandon your ideas of the way of life and your surroundings and pick up something completely new. This makes people feel really uncomfortable because they like to think that they are right and the way they see the world is the way everyone sees the world. With "Flatland" Square is introduced to many different worlds that have no concept of the other worlds and no way to understand them. What I believe this book is saying is that you have to be patient when explaining a different view of the world but also be open to new ideas and theories because otherwise we will be stuck as a single point only listening to ourselves and not taking any input from anyone else, we will be living below our potential.


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