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Recommendation--No! The Rape Documentary

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mbeale's picture
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I came across this powerful documentary, No! The Rape Documentary, and I thought I'd share it with you all (and anyone else on the internet who might be interested.) It chronicles  the narratives of sexual assault and the subsequent perspectives on the issue through the formats of spoken word, interviews, and interpretive dance. Specifically however, it discussses the struggle of African American women to come to terms with their identity after rising from the coercive intents of slavery to reduce African captive women ancestors as reproductive machines as a part of a slave economy that literally hinged on the manufacturing of its unique labor force. Examining the civil rights ideology of "black solidarity," men and women from the Black Panthers, Black Islamic movement, and other prominent rights associated groups speak out about how straddling both worlds of being a woman and being Black at every moment risks being ostracized from either group completely. It's a completely eye opening watch and brings out a side of feminism many do not get the opportunity to hear. 

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