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In one of my classes, we had
In one of my classes, we had to form groups of 3/4 to make a presentation. I sat next to a chinese girl and we agreed to be in the same group. Then another chinese girl asked to join our group and after her, an American girl and a third chinese girl asked to complete the number. Without thinking, i told the first chinese girl, lets take the American girl to add variety to our group, she looked at me and said nothing in reply, then resumed talking to her fellow chinese friends. After a few akward minutes, i looked helplessly at the American girl and apologised for the embarassment. So the American girl got excluded, and I got ignored because we were in the minority in that particular situation. So i know what you are talking about. The racial clumping is even more glaring in the dining halls. That is why we gotta make this discussion a feature of customs week.