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hlehman's picture

Enjoy the ride

 I like this idea of being content with the Library of Babel and being able to find new things that are already created. Last semester I took Introduction to Comparative Literature and we read and discussed the story of the Library of Babel as well. The first thing we did before actually talking about the story, however, was to compare the little drawings in the margins of our papers/ how we pictured the library. Each shape comprised of a complex geometrical combination of lines and everyone was frustrated in our inability to physically picture what the library looked like. I think that the reason we could not draw the Library of Babel is because the library is part of itself and part of the experience of the Library of Babel is that it is impossible to conceive it as a physical structure. 

My first impression after reading the story was similar to many people in class- uncomfortable with the idea that everything already exists, but after thinking about it more and reflecting on our conversations in class and online, my feelings are starting to change. I agree that the experience or process of something is just as important as the thing itself. I also think it is something that we often find difficult to appreciate or be content with, but if we can learn to take value in our journeys and see the Library of Babel in this light, life will be much easier to enjoy. 


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