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Clark Reading--class reflection

In class, our group discussed Clark’s cyborg readings and how that played into our feelings towards the class. There was a general consensus amongst the people in our group that the Clark reading was more confusing rather than informative. The main reason I think this is, is the writing style that Clark adopts. In his writing, Clark tends to try to prove concepts by examples rather than solidifying his claims and arguments by using original research. Thus, Clark’s text seems more like a thoughtful muse, rather than a piece of writing meant to prove a certain fact.
I definitely understand the
I definitely understand the freedom to use ideas concept, but I feel like if we were really to take something from Clark's ideas, they need to have a bit more concrete evidence. I think this because the idea of a proof isn't necessarily taking away from the freedom to use the idea, but it would more so enhance our ability to use his ideas.
proof v. musing
Perhaps Clark's method is part of his point. If he were to "prove" his arguments, where would that take us? Would that appear to "finish" something essentially unfinished (to use Freire's language) about understanding human thought and action? If he were to "prove" that minds are co-extensive with technologies, would you be differently free to use his ideas? To me, the question is: How can we use his ideas to do things we want to do?