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I'm Not Drunk, I Have Ataxia

Claire Ceriani's picture

Muscular dystrophy and multiple sclerosis are probably the two most well-known movement disorders.  As a result, they have received a lot of research funding, enabling medicine to move closer to finding effective treatments and cures.  There is a movement disorder, however, that is just as serious, but often neglected.  Ataxia is a movement disorder that makes patients’ lives extremely difficult, yet is unheard of by many people.  As a result, research into treatments is significantly far behind.  Awareness of ataxia must be increased in order to drive the research that will improve the lives of its sufferers.

The word ataxia comes from the Greek “a taxis,” meaning “without order” (1).  Ataxia is a disease in which a person’s movement is uncoordinated.  The severity varies from case to case, but all forms of ataxia are characterized by difficulty in controlling balance and movement.  The most obvious symptom of ataxia is an unbalanced gait that often gives people the appearance of being intoxicated.  People with the condition often walk with their feet further apart than is typical in what is clinically called a “broadened base” (2) to compensate for poor balance.  Ataxia may also affect the coordination of the hands and fingers, resulting in poor fine motor skills such as writing.  Speech may be slurred and eye movements may be slower than normal, leading many people to believe that people with ataxia are mentally retarded.  More sever forms of ataxia may cause serious swallowing and respiratory problems (1).

Ataxia may be caused by infections, injuries, or genetic factors that cause degenerative changes in the central nervous system.  Those forms caused by disease or injury are known as sporadic ataxia and are not very common.  The more usual forms of ataxia are hereditary and may be either dominant or recessive.  The relevant genes are located on autosomal chromosomes and so affect males and females equally.  Dominantly inherited ataxias are usually less severe, and most people do not show symptoms until their twenties or thirties, or even as late as their sixties.  Recessively inherited ataxias, such as Friedreich’s Ataxia (FA), are more serious and usually begin during childhood.  They are more degenerative than dominant and sporadic ataxias and are more likely to lead to death.  FA in particular is associated with serious cardiac problems (1).

All forms of ataxia affect the cerebellum, the part of the brain controlling balance and coordination.  Ataxias that are pure cerebellar only affect balance and coordination.  Some forms may also affect the basal ganglia and the spinal cord.  These forms are referred to as cerebellar plus ataxia or spinocerebellar ataxia and may cause neuropathy (dysfunction of the peripheral nervous system), dementia, weakness, rigidity, and spasticity (1).

Until fairly recently, ataxia was thought to be strictly a movement disorder.  Further studies have shown that more advanced cases may have cognitive and emotional effects.  The cerebellum, once thought to deal solely with movement, is now understood to be involved in many processes within the brain.  It contains more neurons than the rest of the brain combined, and processes information faster than any other part of the brain.  It is connected to the cerebral cortex by an estimated forty million nerve fibers, receiving information from sensory, motor, cognitive, language, and emotional areas (3).  In addition to motor functions, the cerebellum helps control skilled mental performance, sensory acquisition, discrimination and categorization, tracking, prediction, and task sequences (4).  As a result, any damage to the cerebellum may result in impaired memory of newly learned information and procedures, and problems with “executive functions” such as planning and keeping thoughts in the proper order.  Patients may also experience an increase in irritability, anxiety, and depression (2).

The part of the cerebellum most affected by ataxia is the layer of Purkinje cells.  Each fold or “folium” of the cerebellum can be separated into three layers, the middle of which is made up of large, flat neurons called Purkinje cells.  These cells are essential for relaying information within the cerebellum.  They have highly branched dendrites that receive hundreds of thousands of inhibitory and excitatory impulses to process.  Their myelinated axons extend through the white matter to synapse with the central nuclei of the cerebellum, the only cortical neurons to do so.  They are responsible for processing efferent impulses from the motor cortex (5).  It is when these cells die or become damaged that the cerebellum is unable to function properly.

Drug treatments do exist for ataxia, but they have been largely unsuccessful so far.  A few forms of ataxia are linked to deficiencies of vitamin E and coenzyme Q10.  Drug treatments have proven effective for these types, but such ataxias are very rare and less serious than the more prevalent ones (2).  Amantadine has been shown to slow the progress of ataxia in some people and to increase energy levels, though the results do not appear to apply to the entire ataxia population (2).  In addition, GABAergic agents may reduce cerebellar tremors, but are not effective for treating ataxia symptoms as a whole (2).

Genetic studies have brought further insight into the causes of hereditary ataxia, but are still a long way from developing treatments.  In 1993, the first gene, Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 1, or SCA-1, was identified by researchers at the University of Minnesota and Baylor College of Medicine.  This gene is linked to certain dominant forms of ataxia.  Located on chromosome six, this particular gene appears to cause ataxia when repetitions of the CAG codon are above forty (6).  More repetitions are linked to earlier onset.  Genes through SCA-28 have been found since then, suggesting that it may take the combined influence of several genes to trigger the onset of ataxia (1).  Fewer genes have been discovered for recessive ataxia, though one has been found that suggests treatment possibilities for FA.

In one study, a number of proteins linked to ataxia were tagged.  Many of these proteins revealed cellular pathways that may lead to Purkinje cell death if misfolded due to genetic mutations (7).  Another study successfully reactivated the frataxin gene in a cell culture, a gene that is often deactivated in patients with FA (8).  Though this is still a long way from a cure, this achievement suggests that it may be possible to use a virus vector in stem cells or to develop a pill that will reactivate the frataxin gene in people with FA.

The area of research that currently holds the most promise is the controversial idea of stem cells.  If it were possible to grow new cerebellar neurons, particularly Purkinje cells, it would be possible to treat all forms of ataxia.  Unfortunately, viable neurons have not been successful grown from adult stem cells.  Embryonic stem cells have to ability to differentiate into any type of cell, but adult stem cells have more limited capabilities.  Ethical concerns hold back much of the research on embryonic stem cells, so more focus is on adult stem cells.  Stem cells do exist within the adult hippocampus which, given the proper chemical signal, can differentiate into different types of neurons, however the chemical signal for Purkinje cells in not currently known.  Purkinje cells develop when the embryo is roughly ten days old and do not typically develop any more after that, making it very difficult to force adult stem cells to differentiate into them (1).

Another problem is that stem cells must be genetically similar to the host to prevent rejection.  One solution is to use cells from a sibling, specifically cord blood from an infant, which is full of stem cells, but there is only a one in four chance that the major immune determinant genes will be the same (9).  The better, though more controversial, method is therapeutic cloning.  In this procedure, the patient’s DNA is transferred to one of her own egg cells (or his or her mother’s).  This egg is then grown as a “synthetic embryo” and harvested for stem cells (9).  The problem is that the cells would still have the original mutation, and, with the exception of the frataxin gene, it is not yet known how to correct these mutations.  This is an area that must be further explored before a cure can be created.

Stem cell research has given way to a still experimental treatment for one type of ataxia.  In 2005, Angie McDonald, a sufferer of FA, underwent the first stem cell treatment for ataxia (10).  The treatment consisted of injecting stem cells from umbilical cords into the bloodstream and the base of the skull.  Though the procedure did not eliminate her symptoms, it did decrease their severity and gave her more energy.  In an interview with BBC news a year later, she said the effects were wearing off, but she planned to receive another treatment (11).  Though this is still very new and by no means a cure, it may be possible in the coming years that more forms of ataxia will at least be treatable by this method.

Research on ataxia is highly under-funded as most governments place it low on the priority list.  Very few people have even heard of the disease, including many medical professionals.  Though the disease in uncommon (approximately 15,000 Americans have it (1)), it is much more prevalent than was once believed.  Many people have been misdiagnosed by their physicians, because it is so often forgotten as a possibility.  Because of the ignorance of the public, many people with ataxia suffer prejudice.  The unbalanced gait of ataxia gives people the appearance of being drunk.  Police officers often do not accept ataxia as a valid reason for failing motor control tests, because so few have heard of it.  Many people with ataxia must wear medical alert tags to prove that they actually have a medical condition (12).  Children in particular suffer from the stigmas of ataxia.  Since it so often goes undiagnosed in children, they may be scolded for sloppy handwriting and clumsiness mistaken for carelessness.

In order to educate the public about ataxia and the importance of research, International Ataxia Awareness Day (13) was created.  This day, September 25th, is intended to teach people about ataxia and to encourage them to donate to ataxia research.  Nearly all research done on ataxia so far has been funded by volunteers, because governments give so little support.  Volunteers are also needed to donate money for specialized computers, communications and mobility aids, and home adaptations.

Ataxia needs to be recognized for the serious disease it is.  More effort should be made to educate the public about this condition.  Emphasis on this disease will help encourage donations to support research on an often neglected illness that is, nevertheless, still a serious problem for many people.  As stem cell research progresses, more ways are found to use adult stem cells, rather than embryonic stem cells.  This research must continue so that safe, ethical treatments and cures can be developed for this debilitating disease.

Web Resources
1.; National Ataxia Foundation official website

2.; Ataxia, Johns Hopkins website

3.; “The Treasure at the Bottom of the Brain” by Henrietta C. Leiner and Alan L. Leiner, New Horizons for Learning

4.; Basal Ganglia and Cerebellum, Neuroscience Tutorial from the Washington University School of Medicine

5.; Body Part—Purkinje Cell, The University of Auckland: Bioengineering Institute

6.; Euro-Ataxia Newsletter No. 4,

7.; “Organized Protein Network Discovered in the Ataxias” by Paul Girolami, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

8.; “Researchers reverse Friedreich’s Ataxia defect in cell culture” from August 21 2006,

9.; “Stem Cell Research and Ataxia” by Prof. Bob Williamson of the University of Melbourne,

10.; “Ataxia sufferer’s stem cell hope,” BBC News 14 December 2005

11.; “Stem cell patient plans for more,” BBC News 18 December 2006

12.; Are You Drunk?, personal stories of people with ataxia

13.; Ataxia Awareness Day official website


Inga's picture

sorry how sudden this can be

I am sorry your life has totally changed, I understand. It is hard when you have to give up all that you knew and relearn life. How long did it take to get a diagnonisis ? all I seem to keep getting is "best guess" diagnosis from the doctors I have seen. It seems they don't want to do the tests ? like since the MRI and CT of head and neck are looking good to them there is no need to test further. I just dont get it.


tonyabrtn's picture


my brother n law is going through the same thing.his testing has stopped and mostly do to Medicaid refuseing to pay or approve.he is getting worse with each day.i am looking for any kind of info or has been 7 months and his wife has done everything but beg on her knees.have you received anymore help?

Serendip Visitor's picture


I went to a similar experience. after a year of testing, finally the diagnosis came out. CSA type 2. I stoped walking and my life change. Now I am on dissability.

Serendip Visitor's picture

dna blood test for sca type ??

find a neurologist who treats balance problems. Athena health will do dna test for sca type??

Bonnie's picture

I was given every test my

I was given every test my neurologist could think of. Athena Labs only came up with a positive for ataxia. I started with tripping, walking forward with the inability to stop, leaning into whomever I was walking with, and finally being unable to walk. When it all started I went to physical therapy. It helped with my strength, but even with balance exercises I eventually lost my ability to walk. I can walk short distances with assistance, mostly from the house to the car or into a restaurant. At one point my doctor was going to insert a shunt to drain the cerebrospinal fluid, but decided not to. From what I've read so far there is no cure. I'm just trying to learn to live with it, but I still have hope. Good luck

Serendip Visitor's picture


I'm male and 46. MRI of moderate cerebeller atrophy. Nuerologists examination is FA but awaiting blood results in 3 weeks.

I have had walking problems for 15 years, live in a major city but GP's where unable to get an answer for me. I have no upper body coordination issues but i can not walk outside anymore without holding on to my wifes hand.

There are many many poor people suffering this condition much worse than myself, but i saw the nuerologist only a few weeks ago and still processing the news.

I am tring to stay calm.

Peace to you all.


Mike Hansen's picture

results ?

I am also a 46 year old male who was diagnosed in 2002 by the Mayo clinic. My sca3 is defective which means I have cerebellar ataxia type 3. My mother and brother who is 3 years younger than I am have it also. My mother passed away in April 2010. I am curious what you found out?

Misti Ann Stagl's picture


Raymond.............This is me totally,only difference is I am female. I got all the blood tests.................passed them all,went to an ENT got all the balance tests they could think of......again ziltch! They are trying me on Ativan to see if that will help, its not been helping so far, I also have Nystagmas. I do not drive anymore because of "dizzy spells" that come and go. I can not walk outside without help I had to get a stroller to push when my husband or someone isn't around. Pushing a childless stroller may look strange but falling would be worse. Even with assistance I still walk as if I am drunk but so far I have no choice no one can tell me whats wrong with me!

Keep lookin on your end and I
ll keep lookin on my end and maybe together we will find an answer!! :-)


Mike Hansen's picture


Sounds like cerebellar Ataxia. Hit me up.

Misti Ann Stagl's picture


Yes I think so too,but not getting any answers from Docs....................never said the word ataxia to me I have done my own research for years I need answers! My particular balance issues combined with the increasing vertigo and nystagmas are making it impossible to get around I use a jogging stroller becouse a regular walker is not good enough for outdoor use and does not offer enough support I have to weigh down the stroller because it is not heavy enough. Even this is getting difficult but I am unable to find a walker that works with my condition. Do you have any ideas? What about Dr. any ideas about that?

william spruill, Serendip Visitor's picture


Hello. I seem to have trouble processing an entry on this site. This is my second try. I have some"ideas". Are you in the U.S.? Are you on medicare? Do you have insurance? Do you have a primary care M.D.? you need to go to your Primary and discuss the problem. Take some brief article on this disease even though they probally won't look at them. You start by getting an appointment with a neurologist. Here you will get what I call a "field test". Very brief and lab blood (about 5 vials). He/she may then set the next appointment (about two months). While waiting, call back after about two weeks and ask if the labs are back. When they are, go and get a copy of your file, including any report. (you get to know what they are thinking.) Pay very close attention to the thyroid results. You want to know the TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) reading is and also the T4 (free thyroxine) is. Do some research; it is tricky. Learn the lab normal parrameters for each and what year scales are used (they changed recently). In a nutshell: the pituitary signals for the TSH production to get the thyroid to produce moreT. a LOWE t signals hypothyroidism (low; generally weight gain). (I have high TSH and low T, so my thyroid is not answering the call, I just got onto a thyroid med.-no results but I have never had a weight problem. A friend got his balance aided after his thyroid meds helprd. I am hopeful. Anyway, the neuro may order an EMG which gives a small shock to ID the nerve at issue. No result of use on mine. The heuros will want to say it is peripheral neuropothy (avoids a DNA test).
However, SCA also involve the brain (cerebellum) which is in the central division.
About SCA: technically "ataxia" is the condition observation and is not a malady. Rather it what happens to you from the spinocerebella misfunction. Further diagnosis depends upon the DNA analysis. (Getting insurance to cover that is a problem. (I weote about this in another reply.) I will send you my review if you wish. My Email is:
About the cart: why don't you check some markets. any source that I have would be for lighter rollers. You might contact team Hoyt. That is an athletic group that has a healthy pusher with a challenged partner in the cart. The cart could be heavy enough, but you could add wright.

Misti Ann Stagl's picture


Though I've seen many Dr. and had many tests not one has said ataxia to me,I know I have some kind of cerebellar ataxia. It has been progressing over the last 11 years, I could feel something happening......started with nystagmas and bouts of vertigo so random I had to stop driving it got so scary! At that time I was 37 years old I will be 50 this year. It progressed slowly I still worked full time still walked though I seemed to lose my balance more often and became terrified of heights and wide spaces. I had 2 children {in 2004 and 2007],2008 things started to speed up. Had to stop working and now I can not walk with out a walker I can still do it carefully indoors,but outside forget it! Short distance [house to car] I can hold onto someone but long distances no way...........I can not find a walker that works with my issues well I actually have to walk with a jogging stroller to get better outdoor traction but I have to weigh it down because it is to lite. Any body have any ideas? My nystagmas and dizziness are so bad any more it is really difficult to walk at all, and my hips and legs are starting to ache. I don't know where to get help my Neurologist keeps throwing up his hands and saying "not sure" I have had tons of MRI'S and autoimmune blood test but zip! HELP!!! please I still have to get around my kids depend on me!
I do have a primary Dr who just wants to keep sending me back to the same
I live in Sarasota, Fl and I do have medicare I have asked my Dr's about the thyroid and they say it's ok,but I keep hearing that it is really hard to say just from a simple CBC/BBC. By the way they did find a small node on my Pituitary they said it's nothing.....................I am really finding it quite difficult to find a Dr that will "LISTEN" to me I mean REALLY listen. Thank you so much for writing to me I feel like someone is finally listening to me!!!!!!

My email is - I would definitely like to see your report and here more about what you are doing and what I should do,how are you getting Dr's to listen?

Sere66's picture

I walked through all that

I walked through all that nightmare until I went to Dr. Ashizawa in Gainsville , Florida..he actually described some types of SCA and they will take care of you; in my experience , unless you are already very deteriorated most neurologist do not know how to explore initial symptoms and so they do not request genetic testing as they are very expensive . You have to visit him. Best luck and God bless all of us and our children

Inga's picture

Post Viral ataxia ? really ? I am so confused and depressed

last month ( I woke up on May 27th like this) I saw a Neurologist who said his "best guess' was that I had Post Viral ataxia. Really ? our family (we have 4 children from age 11 to age 2 ) Everyone had influenza and about/almost 2 weeks after all was done (I got it last) I came down with ataxia. I am not buying it. The neurologist seemed to think I would not need the appointment we have scheduled for tomorrow and yet, I do need it. I still can not drive, still have good days and bad days. this is going to cause a 16 year marriage to end fast. HELP !

Crystal's picture


I typed in Drunk symptoms and this came up. My Grandpa, mom, brother and I suffer what we call "dumb moments" They are episodes that hit usually when our heart rate is up-when we're excercising, or just having fun. My brother plays football. When he feels the episode coming on-heavy arms/legs, feet feel like concrete and no matter how hard you try to put one foot in front of the other, you can't do anything but collapse. It's so scary because everyone is standing over you asking you questions, and you go to talk and you know what you want to say, but you can't because your words are slurred and you sound ridiculous!

I used to play Roller Derby, but I couldn't be flying around the rink on skates and the episode hits and all I could do in a panic was fall. It's so scary and I usually get really emotional because of how embarrassing and horrifying it is. I can't go to the gym, can't do triathalons, I can't even play volleyball at work on my lunch break. I just sit on the sidelines when I know it's going to hit. These episodes hit the worst after my period. I don't know why. My mom thinks it's hormone related, but why does my brother have the same thing? My mom hasn't suffered from an episode since she hit her late 40's. So she thinks menopause helped her. But what will happen for my brother? I have tried Anxiety pills they don't do much, and my husband tries to understand, but he doesn't get it. No one understands how horrible these are. I am missing out on so much that I want to do. Should I start with an MRI and heart Dr? The episodes hit when I am excercising-not always, but at least 2-3 weeks a month I have to be really careful, I can feel them coming on because my arms feel heavy and if I try to walk, I get wobbly. Would anyone here in Washington State have suggestions on who to go to? Thank you

Serendip Visitor's picture

test for Lyme Disease!

I was reading here for a friend with ataxia, but when I read your post, I thought: Lyme Disease. Get a Dr to do the Western Blot from Igenex because the screening tests are only 40% reliable, and lots of people get false negatives. Most Drs will tell you you don't have Lyme when you very well might. If need be your Dr can order the WB from Igenex Labs and you take it to a lab to do the draw, but still, an uninformed Dr will interpret the results wrong (according to CDS regs, which only catches about 10% of people with Chronic Neurological Lyme, which is what it sounds like--still controversial, but a very real epidemic.) If you can, find an LLMD (Lyme Literate Doctor) from the ILADS website. They will tell you who's nearby. You can go to Igenex website as well. My daughter and I both have Lyme from a tick bite, but you rarely see or feel it. The sxs are erratic as you describe and It is cyclical, often coinciding with menstrual cycles in women. Everyone's symptoms are different, but check out Olympic skiier, Angeli van Laanen's video about her Lyme and see if you relate.

Theresa's picture

Spino Cerrebllar Ataxia Type 1

Hello Everyone, . I am a 58 year old female living in South Africa, and was diagnosed with SCA Type 1 last October ’12. Unfortunately, in my case it is genetic. We can trace it back to my maternal grandmother’s brother who had it (he was the only one to have it - although at the time not much was known about the disease and only from the symptoms that he presented, is it being presumed that he had SCA), and 3 of his 6 children had it. My grandmother didn’t have it nor did any of her children – 7, but it has manifested itself in the families of 3 of her children, my mother and her 2 older brothers. Whilst our parent didn’t have SCA, each of my uncles have lost 3 children each to SCA, and my mother has lost one already – my eldest brother. I now have an older brother who was diagnosed with SCA +/- 5years ago, and last year I was.

I am so happy to have found an online `SCA family’ to share my fears with. I was referred to a Neurologist by my Diabetic Specialist because I started having a problem with pain/burning feet and my doctor thought that Neuropathy was starting to develop in my feet. However she did know my family history of SCA as well and recommended that I be tested for it. Luckily my medical aid did pay for the genetic testing. On receiving the results I asked that particular neurologist what the way forward was and his response was; “there’s no known treatment, and no known cure. This is an incurable disease and all we can do is monitor the shrinking of the brain annually by way of an MRI”.

That’s not what I wanted to hear, nor did my immediate or extended family. Everyone started phoning or asking around, and we found another Neurologist, a much younger person who appeared to be far more clued up on new developments in the Neurological field (apparently he is among the Top 10 Neurologists in South Africa). I visited him in November last year, he did confirm the diagnosis and also the statement about the treatment and cure for SCA, however he did say that there was medication “out in the market” that could help with the stumbling/instability/shaking and also help with the memory. It was just a matter of getting “the right cocktail”.

I have been on a “cocktail” of Azilect, Symmetral, Integral and Livifem (which I take at different times during the day), and it seems to be working (please God I ask). I have seen how people looked at my eldest brother and thought that he was drunk, and even when he spoke. It’s now happening to the other. That is my fear, how will I handle it.

My apologies for “loading” all this on you guys, and I hope you’ll understand that I just need to “speak” with people who understand when I am and coming from. I'm so "glad" to have found a support group where this topic is discussed openly. I can't seem to find any on;ine support group in SA. Many thanks, and God Bless!

Serendip Visitor's picture

Name of neurologist

Hi Theresa,

Please could I have the name of the neurologist you saw, my mom is in the same situation as you in South Arica. Thanks so much.

Theresa's picture

I'm not drunk, I have Ataxia


The name of the Neurologist is a Professor Girish Modi at The Brenthurst Clinic in Johannesburg. He is excellent , and hope he is able to help your mother.

Good Luck, Theresa

Serendip Visitor's picture


Can I please contact you.I am from pta and has recently been diagnosed with cerebellum ataxia.

Philip Toal's picture

Walking with Ataxia

Please have a look at Dr. Tom Clouse in his -walking with Ataxia- homepage.
It has been a wealth of encouragement to me and it can help our balance.
He pits this against what he and we have been told in the past.
He does not claim to disprove the physical facts,but rather the mental aspects that are associated with Ataxia, hardly elaborated upon by the "medical experts" through their sheer ignorance and that of the public at large, doubtless.

Kate's picture

Paraxsmal cerebrial ataxia Type 2

I'm a 43 year old New Zealander. I have had bouts of ataxia, slurred speech, slowed brain function, vision problems, nausea and terrible fatigue on and off for years. They are now more frequent and last longer. Work is being great and have been holding my job for me since August last year, but I can't shake off these symptoms. Some days I don't have ataxia, but experience problems with my vision, nausea and fatigue. Then the ataxia hits and I'm a wobbly mess for weeks. I need a walking stick to get around and can't walk very far at all. I appear to be getting worse. My neurologist has diagnosed me with PCA type 2. I take 500 mg of acetazolamide a day. I'm going to lose my job soon. The neurologists can't tell me what's going to happen to me long term. Will i continue to get worse? How much worse will it get? What's the future like for me? Will I ever be able to work? Should I try taking more 'ace' pills? NZ is a small country and even my dr knows of no support groups in NZ. Is there anyone out there who can answer my questions? I need to know what my future holds. Is there a chance I'll get better? Please help.

Serendip Visitor's picture

PCA Type 2

Hi Kate
I just wanted to touch base with you as I'm another Kiwi, as yet undiagnosed, but with strong suspicion of EA2, possibly set off by non Celiac gluten sensitivity. Are you able to tell me which Neurologist you've been seeing as there don't seem to be too many in NZ who know much about ataxia.

Michelle DeCiantis's picture

diagnosis and symptoms

Kate, I first wanted to say, I know how it feels thinking you are all alone out there with your symptoms and diagnosis. 13 yrs. ago when my symptoms hit full force, there was not social networking and I felt the same way. First I would like to say, the name your doctor gave you for your ataxia, I had never heard of, so I had to look it up. In this case, PAROXYSMAL he is using to describe the episodes (occurrence of symptoms). The actual name for this is EPISODIC Ataxia Type 2. And you must have episodes of vertigo (dizziness) because that is what the acetazolamide is for. I first want you to realize you are NOT alone. There first is a website: and this is the NATIONAL Ataxia Foundation, the only NATIONAL organization I know of. There is a large amount of information there on ataxia, organizations that provide different services etc. You can become a member and receive a copy of the generations magazine 4 times a year the updates events and medical research. Next there are a few face book pages (not sure you are on face book) But this is the online source of support groups most of us use to talk and exchange information as well as giving one another support in all of our lives ups and downs. There is the National Ataxia Foundation group page, Ataxia Girls page, And a few other. Regarding your symptoms, what to expect etc. this is difficult. We all share a similarity in our group of symptoms, regardless of the type of ataxia we have. However even if we have the exact same dx, such as the few people who have EPISODIC Ataxia type 2. Each person is different in how they will progress, and what they are capable of doing. There are some who barely experience any symptoms or they are very mild and others who are in wheelchairs. I would suggest if you have been off work that long, you consider applying for disability benefits (not sure what that is in NZ) also I will try to locate dr. referals and other people who live in NZ to connect you to. I hope this has helped you some.

Kate's picture

Thank you

Thank you so much Michelle. You have made my day! I will contact the web site you mentioned. I have a neurologist appointment tomorrow and the only thing I can think of is to ask to be put on more acetozolamide. I take 500 mg, do you know if people have had success increasing this dose? I also take calcium now as the 'ace' pills apparently leach calcium out of your system. Any idea how much calcium I should take? My neurologist isn't a young man and he has only ever had one other patient with episodic ataxia Type 2. I would love to get in touch with any other kiwis who have this condition, so thank you for looking into this. I am on a sickness benefit and have to keep sending them medical certificates every 3 months. It is starting to look as though I won't work again and I cry every time I think of it. I love my job and providing for my daughter. If I can't work, what will I do with my life? Sorry, I not in a good place right now. And I'm getting tired of people watching me as I stagger down the aisle at Pak'n'Save. I often use a chair because I am REALLY slow when I walk and I tire very quickly. Thanks again mate.

Michelle DeCiantis's picture

No problem

No need to thank me. Trust me 99% of the wonderful people I have met online in the face book Ataxia Community are wonderful and we all understand the devastation of one, being diagnosed, then loosing our independence, that every aspect of our lives are altered simply due to the symptoms. I don't want to discourage you at all, It is my job to say positive and encourage, JUST ask everyone about me when you sign on the face book pages :-) they will also tell you I am a talker. If you can go and join the Face book page, National Ataxia Foundation group page first, then request me as a friend (Michelle Gail DeCiantis) I can then invite you to our Girls page (which is the Best one of all! -my opinion). Also it will afford you the ability to post a small introduction of yourself, tell them I referred you there (almost every person knows me) Tell them your dx EA type 2. You will see how fast you get responses to your post, and those with that type will eventually read it and respond it. And before long you will feel you have just added to your family. Once on the girls page and the cyber ataxia group page (i go to those two the most), before long you are gonna develop some of the best friendships you have ever had. As far as your work, trust me I know.. I was/am a single mom, my daughter Anissa is 24 now. And I was a nurse, I always wanted to be, and it took a lot of years and struggles to finally finish school and pass state boards. So when time came and I was finally nursing, I LOVED IT. But when the symptoms were bad enough for me to go to dr. and I could no longer work. It was one of the first and many moments I felt crushed. You see what most do not realize, Ataxia does not just effect the cerebellum. And it is not just a movement disorder or in-coordination of movements. And this in-coordination of movements, arms, legs, body alone causes us to readjust every single activity of living. As it progresses, most of which is slow. However, these daily activities, which most take for granted. Is major for us. I recall I was always a pretty quick mover in everything and a bit of OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) tendencies with neatness and cleanliness. SO always picking up or cleaning something. Just the fact that, I had to slow down was so HARD. Anyhow, take all of these adjustments we have to make in our own lives, which in turn effect others who are around us. Top that off with other things, like some of us have pain (mine is severe chronic NEUROGENIC Pain in both legs from hips to toes. I'll give you definition of and explain that later, a very unique pain to "us') Or some have bad nystigmas THE uncontrolled rapid eye movements (i don't have this, other vision problems for me) any how those added symptoms put more of a hindrance on what and how we do things.
You need to join these social networking sites in order to keep sane. No matter how much love you have from close friends and family (Because I and many others do) they cannot, no matter how they try, understand, and we need support of those who do know and understand. I promise when you get on the face book pages you will start to feel better. I do know some ppl spoke of the increase in their azt (that's my abbreviation) but you will find answers to that there as well. As far as the calcium, if you increase the azt you will have to adjust the calcium accordingly. I will have to double check on dosages for you to be sure. There are some other vitamins and supplements that you should be taking. Now the dosages you will have to play around with until you start to feel better. These are in general what I know Many of us take and that I have for a long time, also recommended by my Specialist. CO Q10, Omega fatty acids, B complex ,and B12 extra, D3 Oh shoot I am gonna wait til I get home and check mine, don't memorize them all with the doses and I want to make sure I give you the correct information. This is the brain FOG or what I call my brain farts. Try to see if you can at least get on the NAF face book page today. I don't check this very often, sometimes go months. But I am on fb everyday. Or you can write me directly to my email- that way i will be sure not to miss any msgs from you. Have a Bright Day Love, and keep spirits up You have many to connect with and we will support and uplift, educate and help in anyway we can.
talk to you soon- Michelle

quest's picture

hi are you?how

hi are you?how is your health now? I am new to this site.I am vexed with this ataxia.Because I should take care of my parents.But in reverse..they are taking care of me.I am using the medicines what you are prescribed in your mail.But no result.While searchin for cure,I saw this website and joined here.If there is any medicine/treatment for getting better improvement please inform me and I will also inform to our friends who are suffering from this disease.

Mary Peabody's picture

kids w/SCA 8

Hi - I have 2 kids ( girl, 17 and son 11) w SCA8. They have been symptomatic since birth with developmental, emotional and physical involvement. I guess because it was such a broad presentatioin of symptoms that the MD looked at everything but Ataxia for 16 years, when we finally got a diagnosis on both (2011).

Anyone out there w/ children affected by SCA8? Also- we do not know where it came from genetically yet- very weird..

Serendip Visitor's picture

Kids with SCA8

Hello, we also have two children, 7 and almost 5 who have had symptoms of SCA8 since birth. Our oldest was diagnosed at the age of two and our other son when he was one. We also have a two year old daughter who is not affected. My husband is the carrier, but we had no idea until our oldest got a diagnosis. I would love to know more about your children's symptoms, tests, and how they finally got their diagnosis, and I have no problem sharing what our kids have been through either. Hopefully you'll get this since you posted in March and it's now October!



Mary Beth Peabody's picture

SCA8 kids

HI Christina=

I almost blew your email into the trash because I have not been back to that site since I wrote, I think.... SO glad that I did not.

It is hard to know where to begin-

My two have the symptoms of SCA 8- but then there is a "plus" which no one has been able to put a finger on. They have significant global delays, yet are super intelligent and sweet. My 11 YO son also has more neurological/behavioral involvement- Not exactly epilepsy, but outrageous uncontrollable tantrums and night terrors ( he is still asleep) which are controlled through seizure medication. We treat them with a very complex hybrid of western medicine-- just to keep in touch with the research world, and pulmonary care, but the most actually results we have gotten from a wide variety of alternative treatments to include: neuro-chiropracty, manual therapy w a PT, Craniosacral work, accupuncture. You get the idea.... It is my more than full time job.
Our 18 yr old daughter, Hannah , is now at a Waldorf residential school for the developmentally disabled, part of the Camphill comunities.
SHe is really thriving there, and has remained healthy thus far. Our son Asa is in our public school, but the course of his disease has taken him down a different path. He has less obvious ataxia symptoms ( fewer repeats), but ( perhaps part of that unknown "plus") fatigues very easily. He comes home from school before lunch and sleeps up to 3 hrs in the afternoon- Maybe he is just making up for lost time!! He is just getting over the first sinus/ bronchitis infection of the year, and hopefully we have dodged the pneumonia bullet.

We are located in VERY rural northern adirondacks of NYS- So most medical care- traditional or non- is no less than a 2 hr drive, and most often is 5 hrs to boston or 3 to dartmouth hitchcock. We even flew to UNiv Fl gainesville last spring to be part of a genetic ataxia study w/ Dr Laura Ranem , who discovered the SCA8 gene. That was quite a trip for all of us. In a way , it was most significant for our 16 r old ( "normal"!!!) daughter who has not been as involved in the care of her siblings- No , thats not true. SHe is very active in their lives, but never saw herself as potentially linked to them via this condition. She could possibly be affected but asymptomatic....

Wow- We could talk for days, I think. You are the first SCA 8 family w affected ( and unaffected) children that I have heard of .. SO glad you responded.
I would love to keep having email communication or speak on the phone. Let me know what works for you-

Keep the faith!

Mary Beth

miguel's picture

hederitary spinal cerebellar ataxia

Hi, Im a 27 yr old male diagnosed with spinal cerebellar ataxia 6 yrs ago.. I suffered from seizures at 15 and dr.'s thought it was just epilepsy but as the years progressed it beggan affecting my reflects and movement.. I tried to tell dr.s there was a bigger issue but it was ignored. my eye's began to feel shaky 2 years ago and today my vision feels like the camera man on a cops chase seen. beside's that I have a constant loud high pitch noise in my ear that feels like tinnitus and hearing loss.. am I going deaf too? I am confined to me bed... when will the story end!!

Poss22 's picture

Cerebellar Ataxia

I Have read all the stories on this blog and all of them sound the same as mine. About 3 years ago i was diagnosed with cerebellar ataxia .I am now 44 years old raising two children all alone. I know how you all feel about people thinking that you are drunk. I live in a small town where everybody is got to be nosy. Just the other day i carried my two children out to a restaurant where they sale alcohol. I do not drink, but some nosy people called the police on me and i got stopped, which scared my two children to death. The officer had informed me that he had a call that i had been drinking around my kids because the callers had said they had seen my two children get in the truck with me and i appeared to be intoxicated. Lucky i had the receipt of what we had to eat and drink or he would have carried me to jail because i told him that i knew i could not pass a field sub. test.
I guess my Question for anyone that may be able to help me is,are there any treatments out there that has helped anyone,and are there any Doctors that that specialize in in the field of ataxia?
When i was diagnosed with ataxia my nero told me that he was sorry but i had maybe 8 years before i would be in a wheel chair and that there was nothing he could do for me. My first reaction after he said that was i was very angry and i knew what a cancer patient felt like. But anyways i have been fighting this stupid disease for over 3 years now with my symptoms getting worse.
If anyone has any suggestions feel free to e-mail me at Thank you very much and God bless everyone

Sere66's picture


Does anyone have SCA 5?

nick's picture

yes i have it for 3 years now

yes i have it for 3 years now

Sere66's picture


I just got diagnostic but my symptoms started 3 years ago at age 43 with a lot of oscilations ...I would like to know how you feel and if you are taking something helpful; Thank you and best of all

Philip Toal's picture

Hi all. I´m 64 and live on my

Hi all.
I´m 64 and live on my own here in Germany. I and a brother back in Ireland acquired it from my mother`s side.
I have no friends, suffer the daily abuse of falling / injuring myself. I used to feel lonely. I´m moving to Portugal later in the year, and who knows, I may meet some warm people. Humor is what helps me with a less serious and relaxed lifestyle, which is in short supply here, with or without Ataxia.

Serendip Visitor's picture

im 22 diagnosed with FA 6yrs

im 22 diagnosed with FA 6yrs ago . my life was gud untill i turned19 . i lost my girlfriend and my friends i worked 4rom the age 16-22. i feel fine except d headaches i can walk an run.......just about , i wish they can treat it

karen martin's picture

Reply back to FA visitor

Hi Im 44 and i have Spinocerebellar Atxia. My life good untilI I was 36 and since then i havs lost my ability to walk (i walk some) run, i cant hardly even tie my shoe without someone helping me. I can take care of myself but its just the little things that pisses me off, I can even and havent had a daye in 3 yrs. My boyfriend left me to ,so i know how you feel.. I get so lonley at times but try to get past feelimg sorry for my self . My speech is slurry and I have a hard time getting around so right there tells you noone wants someone like that, As of no there is no cure fot this I pray evey day that they find a cure and soon cause Im tired of fallimg down all the time.

misti's picture


I had brain surgery 31 years ago. I did good,drove,worked had a life married with kids Now I have so much scar tissue on the
cerebellum [where the tumor was] that I am now considered disabled. I
can not drive or work or even walk with out looking or feeling drunk. I
constantly have nystagmas that is caused by the weight on the cerebellum.

kureen muareen's picture

Hello Me and my daughter

[removed by admin]

misti's picture

What does that have to do

What does that have to do with this disorder?

karen martin's picture

What does what have to do

What does what have to do with what disorder? I have Fredreich's Ataxia and the worst part of it the Ataxia being off balence. I fell Christmas Night and broke 3 ribs and 1 week later I fell and broke my Leg. Im just ready for someone to finda cure or medicine to take for the awful illness. Yes, I have my pitty parties and sometimes I like to vent my feelings to someone but noone understands unless they walk a mile in my shoes. The answer to your question is. It probably has nothing to do with you disorderf, just venting

Serendip Visitor's picture

You will find a cure or

You will find a cure or control solution for ataxia in EXERCISE, EXERCISE, EXERCISE, diet and building your immune system.

Philip Toal's picture


You may be correct, but merely in theory I should imagine, The main reason I exercise, ride a bike regularily is to escape the lonliness that accompanies all Ataxia sufferers as well as leaving my thoughts at home - a temporary expedient off course.

richard velasco's picture


i was in a car wreck when i was 14 and diagnosed with ataxia.high school was very hard to get threw.every1 called me retard and laughed at my walking.everyday i felt sad and did not want to days im 39yrs old i exercise everyday and eat the right foods i also take vatamins and a med from my doctor called propanolol(it really helps with my shaking).my doctor says there is no cure and that might be true.but like u said EXERSICE EXERSICE EXERSICE it is true.

SerendipElena 's picture

Good for you! I would like to

Good for you! I would like to know how much exercise per day is recomended, what are the right foods an vitamines to take..anyone has experience with Zaiban??

Michelle DeCiantis's picture


Any type of muscle strengthening to slow progression of atrophy. Swimming/water aerobics is best. I had to play around with vit and minerals. but for me D3 2000IU daily, coQ10, omega 3, bcomplex and b12, no red meat-eat fish, veg, fruits. Have not tried Zaiban

misti's picture

???Do tell!

???Do tell!

Peter Crumbine's picture


For Episodic Ataxia (EA), there are at least two meds that treat the primary symptoms of coordination, balance and speech. These are Acetazolamide (or diamox) and 4-Amino Pyridine (4-AP).

Mark Osterloh's picture

4 Amino-Pyridine

I also have Ataxia from a head wound suffered while serving in Vietnam, in the cerebellar area. It was recommended I visit UCLA and see a Dr Yoon Hee Cha. Multiple tests were conducted and I was given 4 Amino-Pyridine, compounded as per Dr. Cha's recommendation. It has been 5 years since beginning this medication and without it I have no idea how my life would be. Yes, I too look like I'm drunk and on occasion do need the use of a wheelchair due to muscle weakness. I am currently going to P.T. and that helps both physically and emotionally, all on the positive side.
This all began when I was 59 years old. I can't do all that I wished for my retirement, however I never give up and just roll with it.
Now at 64, I continue to enjoy what I have, live life to the fullest, and thank the compounding pharmacy every time I call for a refill.
I believe that 4 Amino-Pyridine has given most my life back to me.