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Wallace Meyer III

Wallace Meyer III's picture
Wallace M Meyer III
Assistant Professor of Biology
Pomona College

In a world that is growing increasingly complex, the ability to apply scientific thinking (or at least to understand what it is) to information evaluation and decision making can give meaning of one’s life and inspire greater responsibility in citizenship. As such, my goal as a science educator is not only to teach the history, facts and theories of science, but also, to build the critical thinking skills required for lifelong learning. I have worked with students in elementary school, high school, and college, and have found that providing interactive and inquiry-based opportunities are the most effective ways to create engaging learning experiences. I have attended many pedagogy courses offered by NSF and NASA and I was extensively trained to teach science as a National Science Foundation GK-12 fellow. Although the focus of the NSF GK-12 program was on educating students in grades K-12, many of the concepts that I learned from this program I have successfully applied to teaching students at the college level. As a fellow, I attended bi-monthly classes focused on science education, participated in scientific teaching workshops, worked with teachers and students in Hawaii to develop appropriate science curriculum, and traveled to Palau to work with teachers on constructing scientific curriculum based on the concept of scientific inquiry (learning the process of science by doing science). I apply the knowledge I learned from this and other programs to try to engage as many students as I can, effectively teach students with different learning styles, and create unique curriculum.

Subject Areas of Interest:
  • biology
  • environmental science

Education Areas of Interest:
  • science content-specific pedagogy courses
  • urban education
  • interdisciplinary approaches
  • project-based learning