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Ruthanne Kurth-Schai

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Ruthanne Kurth-Schai
Macalester College

I currently serve as Professor and Chair of the Educational Studies Department at Macalester College. I hold a bachelor’s degree in Science Education (concentrations in biology and geology) from the University of Minnesota, masters degree in Alternative Education (emphasizing educational psychology, curriculum design, and school organization) from Indiana University, and Ph.D. in Social & Philosophic Foundations of Education (emphasizing the design of future cultural and educational systems) also from the University of Minnesota. Prior to coming to Macalester I taught science and math for eight years in alternative program within a public junior high school designed to meet the needs of “at-risk” students. At Macalester I directed our teaching certification program from the mid 1990s until we phased out full licensing in 2006. My current teaching responsibilities include courses in educational policy, educational philosophy and learning theory, and courses exploring relationships between public education and social reform, particularly in response to the challenges posed by globalization. Current research projects include philosophic and policy analyses of the role of public education in promoting the public good (educational equity, cultural pluralism, environmental sustainability) and both national and international studies on education for democracy.