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Mary Lee Prescott-Griffin

Mary Lee Prescott-Griffin's picture
Mary Lee Prescott-Griffin
Dept. Chair and Professor of Education
Wheaton College

Mary Lee is Chair and Professor of Education at Wheaton College in Norton, Massachusetts, where she is a friend and supporter of active, engaged STEM education projects and initiatives, while teaching in her field, literacy. She teaches a number of literacy-related courses and supervises early childhood and elementary student teachers. In addition to an active teaching and research agenda – most recently focused on the impact of mindfulness and stabilized attention on readers and writers – Mary Lee regularly conducts workshops and teacher trainings in the U.S.A. and abroad. She is the author of mindfulness and literacy-related articles and three books -- Writer to Writer: Fluency and Craft in Multilingual Classrooms (2008), Reader to Reader: Building Independence Through Peer Partnerships (2005), and Fluency In Focus: Comprehension Strategies for All Young Readers (2004).

Education Areas of Interest:
  • social justice education
  • urban education
  • interdisciplinary approaches
  • project-based learning
  • gender and education
  • global/international education
  • recruitment
  • retention
  • support structures
  • organizational culture
  • professional expertise