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Laura Gellert

Laura Gellert's picture
Laura M. Gellert
Assistant Professor Mathematics Education/Childhood Education
The City College of New York of CUNY

I am currently an assistant professor in the School of Education at City College in New York City.  My appointment is in the Childhood Education program in the Department of Teaching, Learning and Culture.  I have been at City College since September 2008.  My role in the school of education is Mathematics Education at not only the childhood education level but also at the early childhood and secondary levels.  My current research is in two areas: inclusive practices specific to mathematics content and pedagogy in an urban co-teaching environment and content/pedagogy supports for in-service mathematics teachers. 

I graduated from Bryn Mawr College with a degree in Mathematics.  In the following 10 years, I taught mathematics in private schools in New York City to children in grades 2 – 12 and obtained an M.S. in Mathematics from the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at NYU.    In 2008, I earned my doctorate in Urban Education from The Graduate Center at CUNY. 

Subject Areas of Interest:
  • math

Education Areas of Interest:
  • math content-specific pedagogy courses
  • social justice education
  • education in high need schools
  • urban education
  • project-based learning
  • special education
  • retention
  • support structures