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Anne Catena

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Anne Catena
Princeton University

Anne N. Catena, Ed.D. is the director of Professional Development Initiatives and a lecturer and program associate with Princeton University Program in Teacher Preparation. Dr. Catena enjoys advising and supervising student teachers pursuing certification in mathematics and the sciences, and teaches the Seminar in Education that is taken concurrently with student teaching, as well as the Seminar on Student Learning and Methods of Teaching. As director of Professional Development Initiatives, Anne works with Princeton faculty across the liberal arts departments and K-12 teachers in over 20 area schools and school districts.. In addition, Dr. Catena has developed the Teacher Preparation Alumni Network to better support teachers and educators in the field. Prior to joining Princeton University in 1998, Anne worked with the National Research Council and the National Science Resources Center in Washington, D.C. to engage scientists in education. Dr. Catena earned her doctorate in Education Leadership at the University of Pennsylvania’s Graduate School of Education. Her dissertation, "An Analysis of Career Choices among Teachers of High Academic Ability” examined the employment positions and influences on career choices among 1970-2007 graduates of teacher preparation programs at Princeton University, Barnard College, Bryn Mawr/Haverford College, Swarthmore College and Vassar College.