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Hannah's Nature Postings

Hannah's picture

Nature Posting: Sunlight

Today I didn’t feel like staying in the shade under the tree at my location so I went out into the sun and lay in the grass instead. Pretty much everything becomes beautiful when the sun shines on it. The sun brings out all the colors in an object. A blade of grass isn’t just green, it moves from a golden-yellow where the sun hits it to a deep blue-green in the shade just before it disappears into the earth. The same is true for the rocks on the wall. The sun makes then sparkle and their colors are brighter grey and blue and brownish purple. Lying there soaked in its warmth I feel like I could spend all day observing the way rays of sun fall across the earth and the patterns they create. 

Hannah's picture

Nature Posting: No fairies in the grass

The branches on the tree are all twisted. I’ve known this since the day I first sat under the tree but now pay more attention because the leaves are so sparse. I wonder how the branches grow the way they do. How do they get all twisted together, what makes them grow up then suddenly left and right and down instead of keeping straight in the same direction. When I was little I was told that when I walk through the field and squish the grass with my feet, little fairies that live under each blade push it back up straight. I imagine fairies in the tree under its bark pushing the branches this way and that until the branches twist. But that is not how it happened. Now I am older and know that there are no fairies living under my feet and fixing the grass after I have trod over it.  And what we do to the earth will not be repaired by some magical natural process. We need to fix it. 

Hannah's picture

Nature Posting: Hurricane

For this weeks nature posting I really wanted to write about the storm so it’s a little late (sorry):

 There is nothing like letting myself run fast and free through a storm. When the wind and rain are whipping face and the cold is stinging my skin. I feel the true power that nature has had all along but has been keeping dormant.

Maybe its all the movement, the wind is moving all around me and the rain down into my face. And I am moving into it, fighting back against the wind or letting the wind take me faster.

My heartbeat is strong and constant and so is my breath. I have beaten the cold and no longer need clothing to keep myself warm.

The warmth comes from my movement and inherent life. 

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