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Emily Schneider-Krzys
The author shares her experience on being a student-teacher and learning from the teachers in the classrooms she has been placed in.
Amie Claire Raymond
A paper which explores the voluntary, continuous learning of adults. At the end, the author suggests methods for extra-classroom teaching.
Caitlin O’Keefe
The following treatise explores the concepts of team teaching and extra-classroom teaching.
Shelley Nash
Looking at ways to enhance and promote adult learning.
Samantha Martinez
Children…are in need of role models, and take them from all areas that are close at hand, whether mass media, parents, or their teachers.
Daniel Rose
Lauren Maksym
This student advocates for the usefulness of technology in the process of educating.
Xuan-Shi, Lim
This paper presents instances of praising in tutoring and offers tips for making this strategy effective.
Allison Jones
This paper offers a step-by-step advice on how to be effective in extra-classroom teaching.
Christina Gubitosa
This paper presents the importance of self-assessment as an extra-classroom teacher.
Lindsey Giblin
Impressions from a student about the Empowering Learners course offered in the Bi-Co Education Program.
Remote Ready Biology Learning Activities has 50 remote-ready activities, which work for either your classroom or remote teaching.