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Academic Writing
Academic writing to me, is intimidating. The specific structure of each paragraph within a structured essay is almost like guess work. Each teacher has a different view on what academic writing really is, and the way they want their essays given.Academic writing seems more to do with your educational path, and what you've learned throughout the years in school, so class is involved. It isn't true that it's always involved but I think in most cases its involved. Theres other ways to express ideas and communicate with others besides through academic papers, such as presentations. Presentations make it easy to map out information for all to understand because you can incorporate other things besides words, such as graphs, or images.

Academic Writing
I enjoyed writing this paper more than the others. I think it was because the idea that I was able to pick my own topic made it easier for me. I like to write about what I think is important and this paper allowed me to do so. Although it wasn't to fun to intervew people, it was the bases around writing an academic paper and had to be done. I had a lot to write when I had the chance to sit down.

Reflecting on reflections
In Class/Outclassed is a class that everyone can gain an education experience from. In my case I’m learning how to become a better writer.My ideas overflow every paper that I get confused and start contradicting myself or the claim gets lost in a jumble of words. My main goal for this semester is to get my point across as simply and understanding as possible. Before taking this class I was a quite girl who had many opinions but didn’t feel right sharing them. I believe that everyone uses this class to learn to participate more. The environment of our class is very welcoming to everyone, and I feel like most people think that way. Since the beginning of the semester most students began to come out of their bubble and share their ideas.

After all the stories/articles etc, on what we read about education, I view school in a different way. Going to this public high school where you have to take a test to get in, is different. At least it's different, from what my public high school was like. Every school is different and so I don't know what I expect from going to the high school. After the silent board activity that brought up more questions about the high school were visiting. Questions that have to do with their education and how it differs from my mine is what peaks my curiousity the most. I'll be curious to see how their opportunities differ from mine, and how the high school views us.

Kai's Poem
The poem/video we watched by Kai Davis brought up many good points on racial views. She spoke very negative of how school is structured and why its structured that way. Her views of how black people are viewed brought up history's view on blacks. What she said that struck me the most was "does having a 4.0 mean I'm 4 shades lighter?" People viewed her as "white" because of her grades. The way she worded it was the part that really got to me, how people sterotype others, or how people sterotype themselves. I mainly liked the poem because she didn't sensor anything she was saying and thats how things should be.

When I started trying my essay my claim was going to be how wealth is the only thing that gives people an access of educated. Eventually throughout my writing I realized this was not my claim, my claim was that no matter the wealth, how people react to education is how they learn. Such as resources are important and you get resources through money but without enthusiatic teachers an education cannot be learned. It shocked my how much I related to my own claim because my teachers weren't very good but my school had all the resources they needed.

After the writing assignment about our own education, it made me think about class, and how things can sometimes be mistaken. Some people assume just because a school has the resources and the technology to give students a good education, doesn't mean this is always true. Such as my school, I had a learning disability and my school had all the resources possible, but they didn't help me at all. I might be contradicting myself, because it's better to have as many resources at possible but that doesn't always determine what kind of student you will turn out to be. Everyone has the potential to get an education from my opinion but you also need willing and teachers who are excited about giving you that education. Class can play a role in education, but many times I think its based on the kind person you are, and your goals in life.

My names Amy Giarratana, and I’m from Franklin Lakes, New Jersey, and I attended Ramapo High School. I’m obviously a freshmen and I live in Pem East in a quad. Literally all I’m looking for right now are my classes and hoping not to get lost. But in a less literal sense, I’m just looking for a education suitable for me and trying to experience college life as much as I can. Honestly I didn’t understand where Foucault was coming from in The Order of Things. I assumed when he was quoting the Chinese encyclopedia he meant that “animals” were actually people. Such as the stray dogs, I thought he meant poor people, or drawn with a very fine camelhair brush, meaning wealthy people. I don’t think this is where he was coming from at all, so his writing wasn’t my favorite to try and interpret. I’m not a good writer so I hope I gain writing experience from this class.