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Kaye's blog

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3rd annual LGBTQ Womyn of Color conference: Fertile Ground. Womyn Revealed, Revived, Renewed

Temple University Student Center:  Fri (10/7) starts at 1pm, Sat (10/8) starts at 9 am; Sun (10/9) starts at 9 am.  Keynote speakers:  Sonia Sanchez, Ifalade Ta'Shia Asanti, Gloria Casarez.

Tickets are necessary. This event is being co-sponsored by the Greater Philadelphia Women's Studies Consortium, of which Bryn Mawr and Haverford Colleges are members.  The student price is $20. GPWSC students receive an additional $5 discount, bringing the cost of admission to $15. To receive the discount, students should register for the student rate at and enter the code "GPWSC" when they check out.

Also, scholarships are available! All you need to do is send an email to expressing their desire to attend the conference and their financial need.

For more information:  email or call 610-297-4282

Kaye's picture

Symposium: New Directions in Feminism and Queer Studies

A chance to hear other scholars discuss the intra-actions among gender, sexuality, and other fields.  This Friday, September 30, at UPenn 1:30-6:30 in the Benjamin Franklin Room of Houston Hall. 

From their website:  The Symposium will examine the fields of feminist and queer studies and their intersections with each other and with topics in race, nationalism, empire, and class. The afternoon will begin with a conversation between Professor Heather Love, University of Pennsylvania, and Professor Ann Cvetkovich, University of Texas at Austin. Ann is the author of Mixed Feelings: Feminism, Mass Culture and Victorian Sensationalism (Rutgers, 1992) and An Archive of Feelings: Trauma, Sexuality, and Lesbian Public Culture (Duke, 2003).  

Kaye's picture

Mental Health Awareness Week

October 2-8 is Mental Health Awareness Week.  For more info on events and programs, check out their website

Kaye's picture

Sex and Gender Differences in Cognition and Neurobiology

I just received an announcement about this very relevant conference that is being held at Drexel University College of Medicine on Thursday, October 27, 2011 from 9 am - 4 pm.  Regisration is free.  Please see the website for more information. 

Kaye's picture

link to Dr. Quantum's video on entanglement

This is the short video clip I tried to show on Sept 6, but had problems with the sound.  It features Dr. Quantum illustrating another weird feature of quantum particles--how they can be linked over vast reaches of space and how changes in one can affect the other.

See video
Kaye's picture

shelling the p's

Hi--this is Kaye Edwards, who along with my friend and colleague, Anne Dalke, will be the other co-teacher/learner for P5 this fall.  Anne and I began our brainstorming for this version of the class knowing that Judith Butler would be giving the Flexner Lectures at Bryn Mawr this semester and wanting to feature her work on precarity and performativity.  However, I felt constrained by those categories and wanted to expand our sights to include lighter/brighter dimensions that could focus our attention on new opportunities for social justice.  Loving alliteration, I suggested "play" (to which Anne immediately agreed) and "potential."  As a natural scientist (my academic training is in molecular, cellular, and developmental biology), I have long loved the concept of "po

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